North Korea Population

North Korea's Population: Growth, Demographics, and Challenges

Current Population and Trends

As of April 11, 2024, the population of North Korea is estimated at 26,226,119 according to Worldometer.

Age Structure

Demographers classify North Korea's population into five-year age groups and arrange them in a pyramid structure. This structure shows a broad base, indicating a high number of younger individuals, and a narrowing top, representing a decreasing number of older individuals.

Rapid Growth and Peak

North Korea's population has experienced rapid growth since the Korean War. From 1953 to 1993, the population more than doubled. However, the growth rate has slowed in recent years. Current projections indicate that the population will peak in 2037 at approximately 26.87 million.

Economic Challenges

North Korea has faced chronic food shortages and economic stagnation since the mid-1990s. The country's domestic agricultural production has been insufficient to meet the population's needs, leading to widespread malnutrition.

Population and Politics

North Korea's population growth has implications for its political stability. The growing population puts pressure on the government to provide food, housing, and other basic necessities.

International Concerns

North Korea's population situation has also raised international concerns. The country's food shortages and economic hardships have prompted humanitarian aid from other nations. Additionally, the country's rapid population growth could lead to increased migration and other cross-border challenges in the future.

Future Outlook

The population of North Korea is projected to continue growing in the coming years, although at a slower pace. The country's economic challenges and international concerns are likely to continue, making it essential for the government to address these issues for the well-being of its citizens.

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